To read about how and why this edition of The String of Pearls is being created, please see the Introduction.
General Editor: Rebecca Nesvet, Assistant Professor of English, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay
Technical Consultant: Kate Farley, Instructional Technologist, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay
This edition exists in its present form because of the knowledge, skill, critical thinking, creativity, and teamwork of the many University of Wisconsin, Green Bay (UWGB) students and alumni who have served as chapter editors. Their names can be found on their chapters' pages. Some editors have also taken on additional roles, improving the conceptualization and execution of the edition as a whole. These editors include:
Sarah Miles and Matt McAnelly: Technical Editors (2015-2016)
Matt McAnelly: Web Developer and Graphical User Interface (GUI) Design (2016-2017)
Emily Harwood: Notes Editor (2016-7), Character List Design and Content (2016-2017), Proofreading (2017-present)
Angela Collier: Logo Design (2016)
McKenna Bertrand, Guinevere Casper, Nicole Ennis, and Lisa Friedrich: Notes Editors (2016)
Jim Hodgson: Coding Editor (2016)
Bryce Reed: Additional Coding (2016)
Colleen McCluskey and Justina Stauber: Engravings Editors (2016)